

Frank Rainieri was recognized in Jamaica as “The Great Visionary of Dominican Tourism”


Frank Rainieri, Our president and CEO was awarded as The Great Visionary of Dominican Tourism, last night in Jamaica. The award was presented by the President of the Dominican Republic Danilo Medina, by the Prime Minister of Jamaica Andrew Holness and by the Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett.

The award:

The award was given following the words, as special speaker, of the Dominican Republic head of state Danilo Medina.

Frank Rainieri was given the Global Legends of the Caribbean Awardees.

Rainieri proclaimed his pride as a member of the Caribbean community. He revealed that years ago he had visited Montego Bay to learn about tourism.

“I never thought that 40 years later, I would receive this honor here.”

He explained that the hotel industry is the basis of the future of our countries.

He said that when he started 40 years ago he did it with 20 rooms.

“We never thought that now with 40 thousand rooms we were going to generate more than 4 billion dollars for the economy of the Dominican Republic. We have to do that on every island in the Caribbean. Let’s make our islands grow, grow and grow. ”

President Danilo Medina also had words of recognition for Rainieri before delivering his speech.

“If I measure by the delegation of my country, headed by Frank Rainieri, he is the one who should be speaking here. I do not know if you know Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. He is the founder of Punta Cana. ”
these words were followed by thunderous applause which reverberated in the room.

A great Dominican visionary

Frank Rainieri has been a great Dominican visionary. Forger of a dream that became reality: Punta Cana. Propeller of solid ideas and great promoter of tourism not only in the East of the country, but at the national level.

He was able to overcome all the ideas spilled against his decision to promote  the Eastern region. Today Punta Cana is a world reference that places the Dominican Republic on the map.

Thanks to that vision and its unrelenting efforts, Punta Cana contributes to the goal of 10 million tourists.

He has been a great champion of tourism development. Great ally of local and international development and investment initiatives.

Committed to making the Dominican Republic the most solid destination in the Caribbean region, he is part of that government-private sector strategic alliance bar.

He is an enthusiastic collaborator of ideas in favor of strengthening the so-called industry without chimneys. The recognition expressed in Jamaica is an acknowledgment to the country and its best men.

In 2015 Rainieri was appointed the ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the Dominican Republic, and was also president of ASONAHORES, the association of hotels and tourism companies in the Dominican Republic.

In 1979 the Hotel Puntacana was built, and the Punta Cana International Airport followed in 1984.

Daniel Korkhov